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Siracusa, Italy
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The Brand Syrtaria l'Arte del Cucito creates tailored and handcrafted clothing as well as coordinated accessories using Made in Italy fabrics with a Made in Sicily design. The designer has more than 20 years of experience in fashion world and tailoring. The Brand Syrtaria l'Arte del Cucito creates tailored and handcrafted clothing as well as coordinated accessories using Made in Italy fabrics with a Made in Sicily design. The designer and the brand's owner Maria Claudia has more than 20 years of experience in the fashion and wedding world and many years of projecting, creating and sewing with traditional tailoring tecniques.

The Atelier, where inside there is also the laboratory, is located in Sicily exactly in Ortigia Island : the historic center of Syracuse Cicero called the greatest Greek city and the most beautiful of all. This is a strategic choice to embrace numerous foreign customers and to appreciate our essence as a brand and services at an international level.

Colours, perfumes and folklore that characterize the sicilian local customs and traditions are a source of inspiration for the creations designed and realized by Maria Claudia. Among the founding values of the Brand: sartorial and artisanal manufacturing and production, choice of Made in Italy quality fabrics, Made in Sicily design with subjects represented culture and legends typical of Sicily with the possibility of wearing them, unicity of clothing because the production is limeted to a few pieces just to give exclusivity to customers; sustainability for many activities we apply as Brand and much more. The clothing and coordinated accessories that the designer realizes, she defines creations and not collection because they are timeless.

Syrtaria's creations combine two fundamental Company values: INNOVATION and TRADITION. Innovation for the fabrics and its printing. The print's subjects used by Syrtaria evoke not only millenary legends (the Sicilian Puppet Theatre, the legend of "Teste di Moro" and many others) but also the typical Sicilian beauties an Island full of art and history.

Tradition because, in its designs and production, Syrtaria prefers the production of simple models to appreciate the high quality of fabrics you wear and to value the sartorial craftsmanship realized using needle and thread rather than industrialization. This is a simple and traditional sartorial art.

Nothing is to be defined as an imperfection but should be appreciated and understood as craftsmanship.

Clothing and accessories manufactured want to be a charming journey in the women's fashion universe.
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